RPGS don't know how to be hard.

Benoit Busque figures he’ll write this now, seeing that the fourth Persona game is just a hop-skip away from doing it all over again (And he will love every minute of it).

I’ve stopped playing Persona 3. Don’t get me wrong, I love RPGs (which has led to a certain degree of shoulder chaffing with another author of this website. I do have to concede a point to the bastard, though, even if he suggested men of my tastes carry certain unmanly heirs); especially ones where I can live out my past high school fantasies of banging whoever I want and running around at night shooting myself.

Bulk and Skull: A Tribute to Angel Grove's Bad Boys

It's time for yet another exciting instalment of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Super Special Feature + (the "plus" stands for polygamy), now in Technicolour!

Bulk and Skull: two classically misunderstood Angel Grove High School students. Products of an uncaring environment who have been ostracized for their social defects. Never before has anyone bothered to take a closer look into the lives of these troubled teens. But here at the 34th Dimension, we're in it for the children.

Join me as I delve deep into the lives of two of America's most well-known bullies and try to unravel the mystery of their pasts.

Mega Man 9 is not that hard.

Mega Man 9 came out on Monday for the Wii Virtual Console, and since then there have been people both praising and criticizing it for its apparently insurmountable difficulty. It has even become a fliggin' Internet meme!

Personally, I think you're all a bunch of pussies.

MMPRSSF+ Pt. II: The Journey Continues

At long last, I am proud to present part two of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Super Special Feature +. Right now, on your computer! (The "plus" stands for Germany.) We continue with the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers retrospective, already in progress.

What made MMPR so special was that a show like this was virtually unprecedented in the North American market. The notion wasn't new, as we had seen costumed super hero teams and transforming robots in the past, courtesy of Japanese cartoons. But this was different. This was real. Real-ish. It brought all those awesome powers and abilities one step closer to being within our feeble child-grasps.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Super Special Feature +

You are now reading part one of the 34th Dimension's very first feature, the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Super Special Feature +. The "plus" stands for quantity.

If you were a kid back in the early '90s, you probably spent your Saturday mornings like I did: glued to the TeeVee watching shows like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, X-Men, The Real Ghostbusters and, if you were lucky, Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog. But there was one show that came along in 1993 that totally blew everything else away. That show was Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, and it was awesome.