It Starts...

I've started porting over the template from the old server to Blogger. It'll take some tweaking to make it all work, but in the end things should actually work better. Blogger has some nice features that I wasn't able to implement on my own, so that's the tradeoff for integrated user accounts and forums.

Because I don't really have to do anything code related, I might devote more time to posting content like I did in the beginning. Did you know that The 34th Dimension used to be updated daily? I shit you not. Scout's honour.

A Forum Approaches

All is not lost! I've made certain arrangements, and done things that I'm not proud of, to ensure that when The 34th Dimension relaunches here on Blogger it'll still have a forum. It won't be the same script that I wrote for the old forum, and members will have to re-register in order to post, and old topics won't be carried over. But it's still a forum, dammit. I'm doing the best I can with these limited resources.

We'll Be Right Back After These Messages

The 34th Dimension is returning to Blogger! Don't worry, though, because I'm going to make things look as nice here as they did on the old server. It'll just involve some OMGBloggerHAX and finding a decent image host for layout gfx. But you can still expect a severe drop in quality and etiquette, because 34D be a blog again, bitches. Anything more would be an insult to the medium.