Live Watch: Night Swim (2024)

I'm trying something new. Rather than writing a review, I'll be live-blogging my impressions as I watch Night Swim, which I know absolutely nothing about.

Spoilers, obviously.

PC versus console is like BMW versus Hyundai.

A BMW is higher quality, more powerful, will likely last longer if well maintained, and is exclusively driven by douchebags who waste money on useless shit for personal status that only other douchebags care about.

FromSoftware should remove invasions from their next game

People who invade in FromSoft games are trolls who derive their fun from ruining other people's progress and experience, and the mechanic should be removed in future games to stop encouraging shitty Gamer behaviour. Any argument the trolls make to try and justify themselves is inherently disingenuous.

So, Metroid Dread is a really bad game, right?

Is that where we collectively landed on it? Nobody talks about it ever since it came out, as if everyone is afraid to say what they really think. The E.M.M.I.s absolutely ruined what might have otherwise been a really dull game anyways.